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Cons Comm Minutes 01/05/05
Date:           January 5, 2005
Time:           4:00 PM
Location:       Wellfleet Senior Center

Commissioners Present:  Edwin Reynolds, Co-Chair, Ginie Page, Co-Chair, Abby Franklin, Dottie Dolan, Cyndi Moe, John DiBlasio and Paul Banner
Staff Present:  Emily Beebe, Conservation Agent, and Christine Bates, Committee Secretary

Business meeting called to order at 4:08 P.M. by Co-Chair Edwin Reynolds  
Business Meeting:

·       Paul Banner requested the Commissioners e-mail him with any further input to the Comprehensive Plan.  Dottie Dolan suggested redefining the ACEC and Abby Franklin discussed the issue of  tidal restriction at Route 6 and Black Fish Creek.   
·       Dottie Dolan notified the Commissioners of a meeting of the Open Space Committee on January 12th at the Town Hall.  Copies of the Open Space and Recreation Plan are available in the library and Town Hall.
·       The Herring River Salt Marsh Restoration Project MOU is on the Board of Selectmen’s agenda for their meeting of January 11, 2005.
·       There was discussion regarding the Boriskin property on Commercial Street.  No “as built” plan had, to date, been submitted to the Building Department detailing the foundation.  Commissioners requested Beebe set up a site visit with Building Inspector Murphy and investigate the matter.
·       Mail:  Letter from Charles Rogers stating he has started construction.  
·       The Commission determined they would like to make a site visit to the Brash property.

Public Hearings:

5:00    Town of Wellfleet, Harbor parking lot, AOOC.  Michael Flanagan presented revised plans showing a “storm septor” unit would replace the “stormtreat” system.  The Agent contacted Steve McKenna of CZM regarding the “storm-septor”, and he recommended that a condition should require maintenance at least two (2) times per year and that the DPW department be made aware of these conditions.  Mr. Flanagan stated water and oil will be separated within the unit.  Carbon pillows are to be placed in the tank which will absorb petroleum hydrocarbons.  Ginie Page  Moved to approve the Amended Order of Conditions; Seconded by Cyndi Moe; Passed 7-0.  Supervisor is Ed Reynolds.

5:13    Martin, 135 Samoset Road, Map 28, Parcel 105:  RDA:  Add covered entrance on deck.  John Goff, Builder, represented the applicant.  A site visit was made on January 5, 2005.  No changes in the grade are proposed for this simple project to add an egress on the front of the dwelling.  Dottie Dolan Moved this project is a Negative 3; Seconded by John DiBlasio; Passed 7-0.  
5:20    Riley, 464 Route 6, Map 42, Parcels 44 and 22, NOI:  Connect two buildings and extend existing deck (Cont’d from 12/15/04).  Steve Rose represented the applicant and presented abutter notification cards.  He stated ZBA approved a Special Permit.  Dottie Dolan Moved to approve the NOI with conditions; Seconded by Abby Franklin; Passed 7-0.

5:25    Weihe, 85 Billingsgate Road, Map 34, Parcel 16, NOI:  Construct Rock Revetment (Cont’d from 12/15/04)  Applicant requested a continuance to January 19, 2005.  Dottie Dolan Moved to Continue hearing to 1/19/05; Seconded by Abby Franklin; Passed 7-0.  The Conservation Agent  will ask Jim O’Connell to accompany the Conservation Commission on a site visit of the Weihe, Shapiro and Yankelovich revetments prior to the 19th meeting.

5:35    Brown, 150 Blue Heron Road, Map 41, Parcel 5:  NOI:  Construct single family dwelling.  Applicant requested a continuation.  Cyndi Moe Moved to continue to January 19, 2005; Seconded by Dottie Dolan, Passed 7-0.

5:45    Deyesso, 995 Chequessett Neck Road, Map 19, Parcel 95, AOOC:  Beach Renourishment (Cont’d from 12/01/04).   David Lajoie reported he contacted John Portnoy of the National Park Service and requested he review the matter and send written comments to the Commissioners.  Mr. Lajoie’s proposal had been amended to place the sand on top of the wall, evenly layered.  A front end loader would be used to transport and distribute the sand.  The Commissioners discussed monitoring the sand project by pre-construction photographs and periodic photographic updates.  Dottie Dolan Moved to approve the Amendment with Conditions; Seconded by Abby Franklin, Passed 7-0.
6:00    Currier, 1065 Chequessett Neck Road, Map 19, Parcel 91, NOI, Reconstruction of dwelling, Cont’d from 12/01/04.  Reggie Donahue and Will Joy discussed plan revisions with the Commissioners.  Natural Heritage provided a revised letter regarding the terrapin issue.  Discussion on utilities included Donahue stating electric heat would be used.  Conduits will be placed beneath the path for a waterline and electrical wires.  Vehicle access will allow “gator”-type equipment which will not impact the path, according to both Donahue and Joy who stated this with broad smiles.   Discussion took place regarding the size of the turn-around area and the possibility of it being made to form a circle to eliminate the square turn-around area completely.  Neither Joy or Donahue agreed with this but stated that the area could be made smaller after the construction takes place.  The Commission was concerned about existing trails indicating foot traffic through the eroded area over the bank from above.  It was determined that a snow fence must be placed in that location.  The Commission stated if the lower bank fails, all work must stop immediately and to this the engineers agreed completely.  A recharge area is proposed, made of high density polyethylene infiltration chambers that will accept rain water from downspouts and gutters.  Timber will be placed in the turn-around area for stability during construction and removed when the area is restored post-construction.  The work limit will be hay bales placed only on sandy areas and double sided silt fence will be used on areas that are vegetated.  It was agreed that there is only one Coastal Bank and the plan reference to the “top of lower bank” in proximity to the existing path is not accepted by the Commission.  The variances requested in the letter dated September 9, 2004 and amended on January 5, 2005 were approved which include an increase in the total permanent alteration of land from the existing 4,039 +/- S.F. of alteration to 5,402 +/- SF.  The expansion of the existing dwelling from 1,418 S.F. to 1,748 S.F. in the reconstructed dwelling within the 50-foot Filter Strip was also approved., Paul Banner Moved to approve the NOI with conditions; Seconded by Dottie Dolan; Passed 6-1.  

Meeting adjourned at 6:45 pm.   
Respectfully submitted,

Christine Bates, Committee Secretary